Film List of 2011

Documentary Features 紀錄長片:

Documentary Shorts 紀錄短片

Sing It! 唱歌吧! (2009)

Director: 楊智麟 Yang Chih-Lin
Length: 60 mins
Year: 2009


在南投信義鄉的東埔,有一個不懂五線譜、體育專科出身的小學校長,和一群天馬行空的山裡小孩,組成了一個克難的合唱團。組織合唱團的最主要的原因是希望藉由唱歌增加孩子的自信心,身為布農族的校長,則是採集部落長老即將失落的古老樂音,用自己獨特的方式書寫下來,再唱給這些孩子聽。這個不懂五線譜的山中合唱團,完全用聽覺記憶學習,這些孩子唱歌不按照譜唱、隨興換聲部,但是這個合唱團每次出門參加比賽,卻都拿下全國第一名。校長這時有個想法,要幫孩子灌錄唱片! 在四十五天嚴格的錄音過程中,我們看到這群山上原住民部落的孩子如何堅強地克服家庭與生活問題。看這群山小孩純真、快樂的唱歌,將帶給我們更多的勇氣和感動。

The Dongpu Primary School choir is truly the surprise story of the year. From a rural area of central Taiwan, and lacking any formal musical training, choir members joined simply because they had a song in their heart. Choir director—and school principal—Ma Bi-de decided that he would not hold tryouts for the choir, but rather would rely on the sprit of these young people to guide the choir’s progress.

In a feat that stunned people throughout Taiwan, they parlayed their talent into multiple national singing championships. Filled with pride at their achievements, Ma decided to get a recording mad of these remarkable youngsters. But will setbacks along the way, or simply the sheer length of the proves, defeat this spirited choir?

A tale that is at times joyous, frustrating, heartbreaking and full of hope, “Sing it!”will transport you back to your childhood and restore your faith in a future that is bright, prosperous and happy.


2010 First Prize, Golden Harvest Award 金穗獎首獎
2010 International Indigenous Film Festival 國際原住民影展
2009 Kaohsiung Film Festival 高雄電影節參展影片
2009 Justice and Rightfulness Film Festival 映像公與義影展
2009 Taiwan International Ethnographic Film Festival 台灣國際民族誌影展

Doctor 醫生 (2006)

Best Taipei's Doc 2006;
Selected by MOMA, New York in Documentary Exhibition 2008

Director: 鍾孟宏 Mong-Hong Chung
Length: 92 mins
Year: 2006


On US Independence Day, 1996, Taiwanese-American 13-year-old genius Felix posted a puzzling notice on the door of his bedroom. Three hours later, he had ended his own life. Devasteted, his father, Dr. Wen, left Iowa City, his home of twenty years, and moved to Miami. Though the sunny, warm clime and passage of time have distanced him from the traumatic experience, his grief and perplexity linger. Six years after Felix's death, a boy from Peru, Sabastian, comes to receive treatment for cancer from Dr. Contrast to Wen. Sabastian's optimism brings a new perspective to Dr. Wen. Through the stories of the two adolescents and Dr. Wen's loving concern for them, the documentary portrays with touching compassion of the transcience, struggles, mysteriousness and preciousness of life.



2006 Best Documentary, Taipei Film Festival 台北電影節最佳紀錄片
2006 Asian Award, Taiwan International Documentary Festival 台灣國際紀錄片雙年展「亞洲獎」優等獎
2007 Official Selection, Nyon International Documentary Film Festival Visions du Réel 瑞士真實電影節「新關注」入圍
2008 MoMA (Museum of Modern Art), New York, Documentary Exhibition 紐約現代美術館紀錄片雙周展

Squid Daddy's Delivery Room 產房 (2007)

A Story About Our Planet, Ocean and Dream...

Director: 柯金源 Chin-yuan Ke
Length: 55 mins
Year: 2007


This award-wining eco-documentary tells the story of a marine conservationist's quest to recreate the spawning grounds for squids off the northeastern coast of Taiwan. With the help of a passionate team of volunteers, marine conservationist Kuo Tao-ren cuts bamboo from the mountain and use it to create new spawning reefs at the bottom of the sea. Director Ko Jin-Yuan winningly captures the teams efforts and success in reviving the squid population as well as the astounding beauty of the ocean.

每年四月到九月,是俗稱軟絲仔迴游到東北角海域產卵的季節,但近年來,因為颱風及人為因素,軟絲仔的產卵環境,已遭到嚴重破壞。九年前,海洋環境保育工作者-郭道仁,帶領一群休閒潛水愛好者,疏伐山區路邊的桂竹叢,在金沙灣附近海域,開始為軟絲仔建造產卵魚礁。郭道仁當初復育軟絲仔的目的,主要是想營造一處海底賞魚區,維護東北角海域休閒潛點,沒想到以自創土法打造的人工「產房」,深受軟絲仔的喜愛,每到產卵季節,卵包幾乎掛滿竹叢魚礁。不過目前這一種復育方式,公部門與部分海洋學界還是持觀望的態度,任令保育人士孤軍奮鬥,每年以單薄的力量,一點一滴的不斷為軟絲仔重建產房。2006年 間,日本海洋生態學者與美國的人工魚礁專家,實地觀察竹叢浮魚礁的效益之後,一致高度肯定海洋志工們的成果,並計畫在日本海域,複製竹叢魚礁,保育志工的 心血,已逐漸在海洋裡發光發熱。


2008 Yilian Green International Film Festival 宜蘭國際綠色影展
2007 Planet in Focus, International Environmental Film & Video Film Festival 加拿大全球焦點環境影展
2007 Green Film Festival in Seoul 韓國綠色影展
2007 Green Wave 21st century European Envronmental Festival 保加利亞歐洲環境影展
2007 CMS VATAVARAN - Environment and Wildlife Film Festival 印度環境暨野生生物影展
2007 Best Category, Montana CINE Film Festival 美國蒙大拿影展

Grandmother's Hairpin 銀簪子 (2000)

The Best Documentary of the Year 2000

Director: Chu-Chen Hsiao 蕭菊貞
Length: 90 mins
Year: 2000


In 1949, the Nationalist Government had lost the civil war against the Chinese Communists and retreated to Taiwan with about 600,000 soldiers. My father was one of them. Originally, the soldiers believed they would soon be returning to their homeland. But the years passed, and they would have to wait until 1987, when the government finally lifted the ban on private visits to China. These vicissitudes have put the war veterans in a awkward position—China no longer feels like home, yet establishing a family and pitting down roots in Taiwan have proved to be challenging. It was my father’s memory of his mother’s silver hairpin that led me into his world and the life stories of the old veterans.



2000 民國88年度電影短片及紀錄長片輔導金補助
2000 Best Documentary, Golden Horse Film Festival 第三十七屆金馬獎最佳紀錄片
2000 Taiwan Award 台灣國際紀錄片雙年展台灣獎
2000 Taipei Film Festival, Independent Documentary Produciton台北電影節獨立創作競賽紀錄類提名
2000 Best Documentary, Reginal Cultural Documentary民國90年度地方文化紀錄影帶獎優等作品
2001 International Compitition, Nyon International Documentary Film Festival Visions du Réel 瑞士尼翁真實影展國際競賽
2001 Seoul International Film Festival, Wide Angle Session 第六屆韓國釜山國際影展Wide Angle觀摩
2001 Japan, Official Selection, International Competition, Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival, Japan 日本山形國際紀錄片雙年展國際競賽
2001 41th Asian Pacific Film Festival 第四十六屆亞太影展
2001 Taiwan South Film Festival 南方影展
2002 Italy, Infinity Film Festival 義大利Infinity影展
2002 Taiwan World Peace Film Festival 台灣世界族群和平影展

Let it Be 無米樂 (2004)

The Best Documentary of the Year 2004

Director: 顏蘭權 Yen Lan-chuan & 莊益增 Juang Yi-tseng
Lenght: 108 mins
Year: 2004


A documentary focusing on the everyday life and daily toil of three elderly rice farmers in the heart of Taiwan’s rice-producing countryside. It is an inspiring film which explores man’s relationship with the land. Even though the WTO has affected the farmers’ livelihood, their fortitude and humanity against hardship remains.

75歲的崑濱伯每天早晨第一件事,就是三炷香祈求風調雨順、國泰民安。『工作這麼多,錢卻沒有這麼多,錢如果像泥巴這樣翻來翻去不知有多好』,樂天的崑濱 伯邊做事還要邊跟崑濱嬸鬥嘴鼓。崑濱伯說,『有時候 晚上來灌溉,風清月朗,青翠的稻子,映著月光,很漂亮!心情好,就哼起歌來,雖然心情(擔憂),不知道颱風會不會來,或病蟲害,也是無米樂,隨興唱歌,心 情放輕鬆,不要想太多,這叫做無米樂啦!』崑濱嬸嫁給崑濱伯那天,還不知道丈夫是哪一個,雖然天天鬥嘴鼓,還是共同奮鬥了數十年,『我老婆肯吃苦, 她一邊幫忙種田,一邊到聲寶工廠做臨時工,一個月賺幾塊錢,加減賺,說起來我老婆很乖,很可取,我不會對她說感謝她,但是心裡知道她幫我很多忙。』不肯多 說一句感謝的崑濱伯,心裡卻充滿了對妻子的深刻感情。脫下多了兩斤重的汗衫,煌明伯一面擰乾汗水一面說:『雜草是農民的敵人…太常噴灑除草 劑,會破壞土壤。』雖然土地不會講話,但他知道不時的關心就會知道它需要什麼。農暇時,69歲的煌明伯扛著古老的器具,做著現在大家不願意做的手工棉被,清脆的彈棉被聲,將朵朵棉花彈成鬆軟的棉絮,『真的是做良心的啊!我們做的棉被,現在要出去跟人家談價錢,也不知從何說起……』因為種稻收入無法完全支撐 一家大小的開銷,學習另一項技藝,經營副業,是農村社會維持生計不得不選擇的方式。炎熱的七月,嘉南平原炙熱的陽光讓人熱的發昏,今年已經 65歲文林伯牽著後壁鄉唯一的水牛,拖曳一車的稻草,走在收成後乾裂的稻田,『我這條牛,有時會拍片,有時載小孩玩,比較乖啦!我就是這樣捨不得 賣,………說起來牛的命不好,做得要死………』卸下牛軛,相伴一生的水牛慵懶的在小水漥的泥巴中翻滾,一面為水牛潑水解解暑氣,文林伯以對待親人的方式, 疼惜著這個最忠實的朋友,那種寬大與認份,就是可愛的台灣農民質樸的生命哲學。


2004 First Prize, Taiwan International Documentary Film festival 國際紀錄片雙年展—台灣獎首獎
2004 Audience Selction, South Taiwan Film festival 南方影展—不分類首獎 / 觀眾票選獎
2004 First Prize, Golden Harvest Award 金穗獎—紀錄片優等獎
2006 Paraguay International Film Festival 巴拉圭國際影展
2007 Paeguay International Documentary Film Festival 巴拉圭國際紀錄片影展

Gift of Life 生命 (2003)

The Best Audience's Choice in France 2003

Director: Wu, Yii-fen 吳乙峰
Length: 142 mins
Year: 2003
Film Review by Taipei Times:


On Sept. 21, 1999, a 7.6-magnitude earthquake rocked central Taiwan at precisely 1:47 a.m. More than 2,300 people died in the disaster and thousands more lives was irrevocably changed. The impact of the earthquake lingers in the collective memory of all Taiwan people. With five undelivered letters, director Wu follows the survivors of the earthquake as they cope with the tragedy while reflecting on his own relationship with his senior father. The film explores the meaning of life in light of separation between loved ones in life and death, suffering and rebirth.



2003 Audience's Choice, Nantes Three Continents Film Festival, Fracne 法國南特三洲國際影展觀眾票選獎
2003 First Prize, Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival, Japan 日本2003年山形國際紀錄片影展優秀賞

For More Sun 夢想無限 (2005)

Director: Lee Jong-wang 李中旺
Length: 97 mins
Year: 2005


Professor Cheng and his students believe that any knowledge you learn in school should be applied to reality. Their dream is to build the fastest running hand-made vehicle. In 2005 they bring FORMOSUN III, a world-class solar car to enter the World Solar Challenge in Australia . It is a 3,000 kilometers journey going from Darwin to Adelaide . Efficiency, coordination and extreme sunlight are the key elements to win this game. They might be the underdog but their determination to win is invincible.

這是一個關於敢作夢的故事。台大機械系「老頑童」鄭榮和教授與一群青春洋溢的學生,憑藉著信仰與浪漫,堅持將教室學到的知識變成親手製造的成品。不論晴雨寒暑, 它們都窩在工廠裡埋頭苦幹,打造他們心中夢想的太陽能車FORMOSUN III。雖然經費有限,課業壓力重,周圍諸多懷疑,但這群夢想家堅持冒險,一新讓夢想實現。以日光為動力的太陽能車,必須要征服澳洲的各種地形與氣候變化。這漫長的3000公里賽程,對年輕的準工程師來說,考驗的不僅是車子,更是車手與團隊的默契與決心。


2006 Taiwan International Documentary Festival, Competition 台灣紀錄片雙年展競賽類入圍
2006 Globla Chinese Film & Video, Taipei Film Festival 台北電影節入選全球華人影像精選

The Man Who Plants Trees 種樹的男人 (2008)

Director: 林育賢 Lin Yu-Hsien
Length: 55 mins
Year: 2008


Lu Ming-shih, a man who vows to plant trees along the Tropic of Cancer. As a result of a book and a trip to Provence, he embarks on an ambitious project - to plant trees in Chianan plain. He has been working on this project for nine years. During the process, he is supported by so many people but also treated by some with contempt. But nevertheless, LU never cares about what people’s opinion of him. He says, “As I’m hopeless in love with Nature, I plant trees.” He believes that all dreams can come true. LU understands that to plant trees along the Tropic of Cancer is a mission, which may be not completed by one generation, but he believes that it can be handed down to the next generation. The most important of all is – someone has to make a start. He is convinced that as long as there are people who would carry on working, this dream will be realized one day.

盧銘世,一個誓言要在北回歸線種滿樹的男人,因為一本書以及一趟普羅旺斯之旅,讓他在嘉南平原展開至今長達九年的北回歸線種樹計畫。 有很多人給予協助支持,也有人認為他吃飽太閒。但是盧銘世卻不在意的說:「我熱愛自然,所以我種樹。」他知道這或許是這一代無法完成的夢想,但下一代可以繼續執行,重要的是一定要開始做;只要有人願意做,一定會成功。


2008 Taiwan International Documentary Festival, compitition 台灣國際紀錄片雙年展競賽片

Thunder Lannyan 聲震蘭陽 (2004)

The Best of Doc at Chicago Filmmakers, U.S. 2006

Director: Yu-ting Hsieh 薛佑廷
Length: 15 mins
Year: 2004


A super 16mm documentary short film outlines the land, history & the music through a traditional Taiwanese opera master's story.

漢陽歌劇團團長,也是薪傳獎得主,精通北管各項樂器的莊進才老師,娓娓道來從小習藝的點滴心路歷程。 出身傳統戲曲表演世家的莊進才老師,小時候在父親參與的北管樂團跑龍套,與北管藝術節下不解之緣。16歲時,莊進才到羅東福蘭社拜師學藝,正式學習北管。經過幾年自我磨練後,不管是前場的各種吹、彈、拉、打的樂器表演,還是後場的劇本編寫,都難不倒他。樣樣精通,成為北管樂器的全能藝師,有人稱讚他是「八隻交椅坐透透」。 日據時代日本政府施行[禁鼓樂],致使劇團被迫關閉,為了傳承北管樂曲,莊老師做過礦工也賣冰。台灣光復之後,為了傳承北管音樂,年進七十的他依然持續地到校園與民間社團教授北管戲曲。


2006 The Best of Doc at Chicago Filmmakers, U.S. 芝加哥最佳紀錄片導演獎
2005 The 9th Los Angeles International Short Film Festival, U.S. 洛杉磯國際短片展
2005 The 54th Melbourne International Film Festival, Australia 墨爾本國際電影節
2005 The 28th Asian American International Film Festival, U.S. 紐約亞美國際電影節
2005 The 23rd Montreal International Festival of Films on Art, Canada. 蒙特婁國際電影藝術節
2005 The 23rd San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival, U.S. 舊金山國際亞美電影節
2005 Bangkok International Film Festival, Thailand 曼谷國際電影節
2004 The 8th Rhode Island International Film Festival, U.S.羅德島國際電影節
2004 2nd Phase Region II, Student Academy Award, 中西部學生奧斯卡獎