Taiwan Documentary Festival 2011 takes 'Memotopia', a term combining 'utopia' and 'memory' as the theme of the year. Since "utopia" refers to an “ideal” world and a world of “no place,” memotopia illuminates the portraits of Taiwan people with their memory and dreams. From the selected documentaries, people from different generations and ethic groups tell stories from their memory of the past to the ideal of future. The theme is a tentative projection for the audience to explore the everyday life, nationality, history and culture of Taiwan.
2011年度策展以memotopia記憶烏托邦為主題,烏托邦代表一個不存在的世界(no place) 或是理想世界(an ideal place)。記憶烏托邦 (memotopia)結合回憶(memory)與烏托邦 (utopia),刻畫的是這一群由思念的情感引領朝著夢想的向度前進的台灣人群像。對這些人而言,前者是記憶的迴視,後者是夢想的追尋。以此為題,希望以思念與夢想為主軸,經由影片人物的生命故事,側觀台灣的歷史文化記憶,並且刻畫出不同社會背景的台灣人,在其生活崗位上追尋夢想的努力,以呈現台灣人的文化內涵與生命韌性。